Friday, November 30, 2007

High Flight

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds - and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up the long delirious, burning blue,
I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or even eagle flew -
And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod
The high untresspassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand and touched the face of God.
Flying has been the mantra of life for pilots since the dawn of aviation. High Flight is a tribute to those special people known as Aviators who break free from the shackles of this earth & fly away to the blue sky.
Everytime I read this poem, it sends a tingling sensation down my spine. It strikes a chord deep within me & makes me yearn to strap up the harness, close the canopy & take off to touch the sky.
Sky - its a different world to be in. Flying is not a passion, its not a religion, its not an obsession. Flying is life! Everything else pales into insignificance.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

I Dream Tomorrow

Tomorrow as you open your eyes
And wake up into a new lit dawn,
There you will stand audacious and bold
To lay down an epic never before told.

And as on the steps you proceed staunchly
Leaving behind all your languish willingly,
The world will linger upon you and extol
As if you were an occultous doll.

Once again you'll remember those torrid days
In which you toiled on barren bays,
Labouring morning and noon incessantly
Untill you comandeered and decimated successfully.

At once you go back into that long awaited eulogy
And like a maelstrom euphoria touched thee,
Your efficacy in the battle did not go waste
'cause paid you is a holocaust - so FULMINATE!
+ + +
This is for my best friend from yesteryears with whom I've shared some of the best moments of my life. She was and still remains one of the most gifted persons I've met in my life so far.
Rock on girl, way to go buddy!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Once We Were Warriors

...Continuation of Green On! Go!
I'm not emotionally affected by what happened. I certainly dont have nightmares. We are big boys & we know the rules we play by. We've all been close to death. You accept it. You dont want it to happen, of course, but sometimes, there you go - occupational hazard.
In a strange way I'm almost glad I went through the experience. I wouldnt like to repeat it, but I'm glad that it happened.
Some things, however, will live with me for ever.
The crash of a bolt.
The boom of gunfire.
The smell of burning flesh.
The suffocation of an acrid smoke.
The rattle of rounds falling all around you.
From all this I've learned that nothing is ever as bad as it seems. Things that might have bothered me in the past are less likely to now - sparkling wine spilling over my crisply pressed clothes, the car not starting when I'm in a hurry, something valuable getting lost, my laptop breaking up after falling from a height. I know my limitations better now, yet I feel more positive & self assured. I no longer take anything for granted. I appreciate simple, everyday things much more; instead of spending a bomb on getting my laptop repaired, I'll make do without it. I'm not attached to anything in this world.
As to the rights & wrongs of the war - well, thats never been a worry to me. I was a soldier, thats what I was paid for. It was very exciting, I got high doing it.
And as for the people who were lobbing shells over my gang, if I meet any of them in the street tomorrow, either here in India or the United States of Honolulu or wherever, & they think that they will get away with it, well, I'll slot them & rip them apart from spleen to spine in one go.
Alea jacta est, the Rubicon has been crossed!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Diwali - The Festival of Lights

Its Diwali today. One of the most quintessential of all Indian festivals, Diwali is the celebration of light and symbolises the importance of living a vibrant life.

India looks decked up like a Queen during Diwali time. Roads, streets, shops, homes everything is adorned with shining electric lights that add a totally different hue to the place. Busy thoroughfares through the city turn into a veritable feast for the eyes due to the multitude of colours that adorn the way. People put in a lot of time and effort to clean their areas, put shiny new lights around and wait for Goddess Lakshmi to bless them with her presence. In Hindu mythology, Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity and almost all Indians look forward to enjoying her blessing during this period.

This time during Diwali, I decided to do something different. Instead of blowing up a few thousand bucks on firecrackers and polluting the environment and lead to high decibel levels, I decided to spend my time with a few special people, soldiers of the Indian Armed Forces who'd lost their limbs or arms or both during the course of duty.

It was an emotional experience for me to be amidst these brave guys. Even though they had had lost a part of their body, their spirit was indomitable. Having given their best to the nation and to their unit, these guys showed the steadfast resoluteness to bash on regardless in life. Come inclement weather, loss of limb or arm, these guys were ready to brave any storm. A majority of these soldiers had lost their appendages in J&K where we are fighting a proxy way. In military parlance we call it Low Intensity Conflict / Counter Insurgency Operations. There were a few casualties from the North East also. Additionally there were a few paramilitary chaps who were involved in anti Naxalite operations in the hinterlands of India.

It felt really good to have spent time with these brave people. Not even once did I feel that they were any different than me. The typical fauji mood prevailed everywhere. There was a light hearted banter going on, a corny joke was being shared somewhere, somebody was using the very colourful fauji lingua franca with finesse while someplace else chaps were planning out things for the weekend.

People in the swish civvy streets have always asked me what faujis do when there is no war going on. It is very difficult for them to understand why we need to have a military even when we are not fighting a war. For these people, it is an alien proposition to understand how someone can be given a salary without being given a sales target for the month or for a quarter. Everybody is not money minded or profit driven but who will explain it to these people.

When I go home, people ask me, "Hey you, why do you do it man? Are you some kind of a war junkie?". I wont say a God damn word. Why? They wont understand, they wont understand a God damn word as to why we do it. Its about the men next to you. That’s it, that’s all that it is.

People think that we fight a war because we want to be heroes. No. Nobody wants to be a hero. It just sometimes turns out that way. Somebody has to do the job, somebody has to get their hands bloodied.

Soldiers are not taught to sacrifice their life for the country. Rather, they are trained to kill the B@$&@^] on the other side of the trench. A soldier doesn’t feel himself any superior to his civilian counterpart. That’s a wrong notion carried by people outside the uniformed services. A soldier, by virtue of his training and the regimented discipline that is ingrained into his psyche knows that he is supposed to carry out his duty without fail.

At the end of the day, its all about belonging to the Brotherhood of Hero’s...soldiers carry out their allotted tasks and many a times go beyond the call of duty. This is what makes soldiers different from the people outside the armed forces, maybe this is what makes them special.

It was with such people that I spent my Diwali this year and more than I making them smile, they touched my life in a very special way.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Voiceless Chayos

Voiceless..I am
Violent my smiles are
Silent my tears are..
But........I speak..
Through my eyes...
My face glows.......
Whole body sings...
When you harp....
Fills my soul...
With your touch...
You have to look at me
To listen it
You have to look at me
To read me
You have to look at me
To know me
I'm not nameless
I'm not stranger
I'm not lifeless
Only I am
Voiceless to unknown.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

She Is...

A face so pretty
A face so bright,
She can light up
Even the darkest of all nights.
A scent so sweet
A scent so divine,
She can gently turn you on
With her fragrance wafting high.
A presence so electrifying
A presence so desired,
She can make you want her
For a lifetime's serenade.
A walk through the forest
A journey through night,
Wish she was near
Never out of sight.
Flying over the horizon
Across the coast glinting bright,
Soaking in the moment forever
Never wanting to let her go off sight.
A slowly rising melody
A tune that is right,
An epitome of beauty
She is a wonderful sight!
She is... ... ...

This is for the one who started it all.

Not so long ago, I was at Oberoi Towers next to the NCPA in Bombay. A gentleman was playing the western classical piano in the hotel lobby & I just couldn't resist myself from walking up to him and listening to the wonderful tunes he was playing. He treated me to a veritable fare that included everything from Bach to Mozart to Beethoven and finally wrapped up with John Denver.

Annie's Song is an awesome composition. If you haven't heard it, go & get yourself a CD. Trust me, it'll make a difference to you in your life. All you need to do is find yourself a comfortable place to sit in (my favourite being the Bean Bag in my bedroom or the leather couch in the living room), draw the shades, switch off all lights, cell-phones and rest all distractions. Sit back, close your eyes & let John Denver take you through an ethereal journey.

Annie's Song has a special significance for me. It always induces a bittersweet memory in me. It is like a pain that is both sublime yet very powerful. Some people like it while some don't. But whatever you do, you can't ignore it. The song brings out the best & the worst of human emotions within us. For some it is a catharitic exprience everytime they hear the song while some get the most virtiolic of all emotions when they listen to Annie's Song.

As for the one who started it all, well, words are not sufficient to describe her. Have you ever seen a person enter a room and brighten it up with her smile? Have you ever experienced somebody's presence who can liven up the atmosphere in & around? Well if you haven't then my friend, you ought to be in love, not with just a person but with an existence.

The Lady here will always be an Enigma & I prefer it that way because, she is not ordinary.

She Is... ... ...