Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Yankee Humor In Action

USA and Osama bin Laden
After getting nailed by a Daisy Cutter, Osama made his way to the pearly gates. There, he is greeted by George Washington.
"How dare you attack the nation I helped conceive!" yells Mr. Washington, slapping Osama in the face.
Patrick Henry comes up from behind. "You wanted to end the Americans' liberty, so they gave you death!" Henry punches Osama on the nose.
James Madison comes up next, and says "This is why I allowed the Federal government to provide for the common defense!" He delivers a kick to Osama's knee.
Osama is subjected to similar beatings from John Randolph of Roanoke, James Monroe, and 65 other people who have the same love for liberty and America. As he writhes on the ground, Thomas Jefferson picks him up to hurls him back toward the gate where he is to be judged.
As Osama awaits his journey to his final very hot destination, he screams, "This is not what I was promised!"
An angel replies "I told you there would be 72 Virginians waiting for you. What did you think I said?"
Radio Conversation
This is the transcript of an ACTUAL radio conversation between a US naval ship and Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October 1995.
Radio conversation released by the Chief of Naval Operations 10-10-95.
Canadians: Please divert your course 15 degrees South to avoid a collision.
Americans: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees North to avoid a collision.
Canadians: Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.
Americans: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course.
Canadians: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course.
Canadians: This is a lighthouse. Your call.
Bravest of the Brave
Top brass from the US Army, Navy and the Marine Corps were arguing about who had the bravest troops. They decided to settle the dispute using an enlisted man from each branch.
The US Army General called a private over and ordered him to climb to the top of the base flagpole while singing "The Caissons Go Rolling Along," then let go with both hands, and salute. The private quickly complied.
Next, the US Admiral ordered a sailor to climb the pole, polish the brass knob at the top, sing "Anchors Aweigh," salute smartly and jump off. The sailor did as he was told and landed on the concrete below.
Finally, the US Marine was told to do exactly as the Army and Navy men had done, but in full battle gear, pack filled with bricks, loaded weapon carried high. He took one look at the Marine General and said, "You're out of your mind, sir!"
The marine commander turned to the others. "Now THAT'S guts!"

Some of the Greatest Military Jokes

Air Force Stn Lohegaon shares its runway with the civil aviation. One day the ATC tower at Lohegaon received a call from an aircraft asking, "What time is it?"
The tower responded, "Who wants a time check?"
The aircraft replied, "What difference does it make?"
The tower replied "It makes a lot of difference.
If it is an Indian Airlines flight, it is 3 O'clock.
If it is an Air Force plane, it is 1500 hours.
If it is a Navy aircraft, it is 6 bells.
If it is an Army aircraft, the big hand is on the 12 and the little hand is on the 3".
A soldier at the border received a letter from his girlfriend back home:
Dear Ricky,
I can no longer continue our relationship. The distance between us is just too great. I'm sorry. Please return the picture of me that I sent to you.
Love, Becky
The soldier, with hurt feelings, asked his fellow soldiers for any snapshots they could spare of their girlfriends, sisters or ex-girlfriends. In addition to the picture of Becky, Ricky included all the other pictures of the pretty gals he had collected from his buddies. There were 57 photos in that envelope along with this note:
Dear Becky,
I'm so sorry, but I can't quite remember who the hell you are. Please take your picture from the pile, and send the rest back to me.
Moral of the story: If you can't change your fate, change your Attitude.
The Field Telephone
Once there was a newly commissioned officer. One day he went to the Long Range and was just checking out the area when all of a sudden he thought of calling his girlfriend. He ran to the desk to ring her and was greatly relieved not to find anyone on duty. This officer was about to make the call when suddenly the phone rang.
He ignored
He ignored again
He got irritated and picked up the reciever and the following conversation took place:
Officer: Whats wrong with u a$$hole?
(It was Base Cdr calling )
Base Cdr: (Stunned!) Do you know who I am?
Officer: No! Who are you?
Base Cdr: This is Base Cdr speaking!
(The new officer was a quick witted type)
Officer: Do you know who I am?
Base Cdr: No !
Officer: Thanks!
...and ran away.
World War II
It's war time, the Battle of Britain is raging and the War Office decide that the pilots morale needs to be kept high so they come up with a plan for the pilots to take a break now and then to spend some time with the fine young ladies of the aristocracy at evening get-togethers.
Of course, no unseemly business must be allowed, so chaperoned by some of the military bigiwgs, the young ladies are assured only the most civilised behaviour.
At one such do, young Paddy is delighting a group of sparkling debutantes, who are quite taken by his strong good looks, and strong good Irish brogue. As his Wing Commander is passing the little group, he catches Paddy describing his daring escape from attack in the sky, saying "And just as Oi was sweating that Oi'd never have enough fuel to get back, these three Fokkers come swooping down on me!"
Fearful the young ladies would misinterpret the Fokker aircraft for Paddy's legendary sprinkling of the language with expletives, he stepped in to make an explanation to protect their sensibilities.
"If I may, Paddy, ladies. A Fokker is one of the finest aircraft operated by the Luftwaffe, and as Paddy is saying, they do tend to give us in the RAF a lot of trouble in this conflict. Thank you Paddy, you may go on."
"Oh yes indeed Sor," says Paddy, "The Fokker truly is a great machine and all. But these particular fokkers were Messerschmidts."
The General on Radio
This is an exact replication of National Public Radio(NPR) interview between a female broadcaster and US Army General Reinwald who was about to sponsor a Boy Scout Troop visiting his military installation.
INTERVIEWER: " So, General Reinwald, what things are you going to teach these young boys when they visit your base?"
GENERAL REINWALD: 'We're going to teach them climbing, canoeing, archery, and shooting."
INTERVIEWER: "Shooting! That's a bit irresponsible, isn't it?"
GENERAL REINWALD: "I don't see why, they'll be properly supervised on the rifle range."
INTERVIEWER: "Don't you admit that this is a terribly dangerous activity to be teaching children?"
GENERAL REINWALD: "I don't see how, ....we will be teaching them proper rifle range discipline before they even touch a firearm."
INTERVIEWER: " But you're equipping them to become violent killers."
GENERAL REINWALD: "Well, you're equipped to be a prostitute, but you're not one, are you?"
The radio went silent and the interview ended!
Work or Pleasure?
Two Majors are in the field area arguing.
The first Major says sex is 90% work and only 10% pleasure.
The second Major argues the opposite: 90% pleasure and 10% work.
They can't agree, so seek a 3rd party to arbitrate. The only person around is a Private doing latrine orderly duty. They ask him his opinion. He asks them if he could speak freely, and they tell him to go ahead.
He answers, "Well, if you really ask my opinion, I'd say it's all pleasure, for if there was any work connected with it, you SOB's would have me doing it!"
Medal of Honour
Two soldiers were boasting to each other about their old army days.
"Why, my outfit was so well drilled," declared one, "that when they presented arms all you could hear was slap, slap, click."
"Very good," conceded the other, "but when my company presented arms you'd just hear slap, slap, jingle."
"What was the jingle?" asked the first.
"Oh," replied the other offhand, "just our medals."
The Military Chain of Command
THE CO TO THE 2IC: At nine o'clock tomorrow there, will be an eclipse of the sun, something which does not occur every day. Get the men to fall out in the company street in their fatigues so that they will be able to see this rare phenomenon. Should it rain we will not be able to see anything, so take the men to the gym.
THE 2IC TO THE ADJUTANT: By order of the CO, tomorrow at nine o'clock, there will be an eclipse of the Sun; if it rains, you will not be able to see it from the company street, so then, take the men in fatigues to the gym. The eclipse of the Sun will take place in the gym, something that does not occur every day.
THE ADJUTANT TO THE JUNIORMOST OFFICER: By order of the CO in fatigues tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning the inauguration of the eclipse of the sun will take place in the gym. The CO will give the order if it should rain, something which occurs every day.
THE JUNIORMOST OFFICER TO THE SENIOR JCO: Tomorrow at nine o'clock the CO in fatigues will eclipse the Sun in the gym, as it occurs every day. If it is a nice day you will fall out in the company street.
THE SENIOR JCO TO THE CHM: Tomorrow at nine the eclipse of the CO in fatigues will take place because of the Sun. If it rains in the gym, something which does not take place every day, you will fall out in the company street.
COMMENTS AMONG THE PRIVATES: Tomorrow, if it rains, it looks as if the Sun will eclipse the CO in the gym. It is a shame that this does not occur every day.

Excerpts from my first Blue Book (Flying Diary)

Week 1
: Met announced a prolonged spell of bad Wx condition. Went back to studying the FRC's and Pilot Notes.
Tuesday: Rain. Surprise Gen Test on airfield procedures and emergency actions. Within an hour we all were hanging upside down and then started cream-rolling. Ouch!
Wednesday: No rain; no visibility either. Rig check up. Some more cream-rolling followed by endless runs of touch and back.
Thursday: Met declared Friday good for flying. Instructor and Flight Cdr asked all of us to have lunch and report for flying. Entire Squadron pounced on us for 'light exercise'.
Friday: Fly! Do first stall and second stall during same manoeuvre. Cover instructor with lunch. After landing came back to hangar rolling from the cockpit. That was funny!
Saturday: Flight Cdr took our happiness in real fauji style! Hehehehe! We all gave our sweat and blood to the tarmac. By the end of it, my Sqn apron was shining!

Week 2
: My buddy and I were fooling around with a parked aircraft inside the hangar and managed to set off the ejection system. Things went out flying crazily in all directions. We got jacked back in the Sqn. They call us the 'Ejection Boys' now!
Tuesday: Instructor wants me to stop calling throttle "THAT BIG KNOB THING." Also hates it when I call instruments as "GADGETS". Got my visor and oxygen mask broken due to 'vital actions' carried by the Instructor during approach.
Wednesday: R/T is always garbled or the radios won't pick up on the alloted frequency. So I turned them off. Instructor seems to think I missed something.
Thursday: Learned Rate 1 bank is not a steep turn. Did stall again today. Lost 2000 feet. Instructor said that was some kind of record -- my first compliment. Hehe! Loved it!
Friday: Did steep turn. Instructor said I was not ready for inverted flight yet.
Saturday: Time for the weekely Bajax session. I loved it!

Week 3
: Instructor called in sick. New instructor told me to stop doing steep turns. He said I had to have permission for inverted flight as I have not been cleared for aerobatics yet.
Tuesday: Instructor back. He got mad when I pulled power back on takeoff because the engine was too loud.
Wednesday: Instructor said after the first 20 hours, most students have established a learning curve. He said there is a slight bend in mine. Aha --progress! Yippee!
Thursday: Did stalls. Clean recovery. Instructor said I did a good job. Also did turns around a point. Instructor warned me never to pick up the swimming pool as point again when lady officers are undergoing their swimming classification test.
Friday: Did circuit work. Instructor said that if downwind, baseleg and final formed a triangle, I would be perfect. More praise! I have started liking it now.
Saturday: Special gift of Love from the Commandant - we got to see the moon, the stars and the lovely sky at night-time!

Week 4
: First landing at a controlled field. Did fine until I told the captain in the Il-76 ahead of us on the taxiway to move his bird. Instructor says we'll have ground school all this week on radio procedures.
Tuesday: Asked instructor if everyone in his family had turned grey at such an early age. He made a 'Flying Maharaja' out of me! We did takeoff stalls. He says I did just fine but to wait until we reached altitude next time. Aircraft cowl number Two Nine Seven One will be out of the T&SS Hangar (workshop) in three days when the new strut and tyre arrive. Instructor says his back bothers him only a little.
Wednesday: Flew through clouds. I thought those radio masts and Radar towers were a lot lower. I'm sure my instructor is going grey.
Thursday: Left flaps down for entire flight. Instructor asked why. I told him I wanted the extra lift as a safety margin. More ground school.
Friday: Asked instructor when I could solo. I have never seen anyone actually laugh until they cried before.
Saturday: We were ordered to flatten out the grass next to the runway shoulder. Some of us wondered where the heck did the airfield maintenance tractors go?


Did I do anything wrong, duh?