Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ushuaiah! Let the Journey Begin!

Life has come around a full circle. The Zephyr no longer pines for company in the eternally vast skies. The only celestial object that was close to him has changed its orbit and never will they ever cross each others path again.

Five long years after the heavenly dance began, the Zephyr once again floats at peace through the Stratosphere. The trials and tribulations that came with the waxing and waning of the Moon are a thing of the past. The ebb and tide of the waves now make for a fascinating scene from up there where the Zephyr floats in the sky.

The memory still lingers and the experience still fresh but nothing that a spot of sunlight can't heal. In the depth of winter, the Zephyr finally learned that within him lay an invincible summer.

Adios to the 'One' who strayed. You will now miss the Zephyr while you look for yourself out there.


Lisandra Karen Fleisher said...

How better could
Anyone have done?
Altruist in nature
The deed that you done.

Fame and fortune
Seeks not only the brave
But also the one
Who fought hard and never strayed.


Remember these lines Rajat? You gave an altogether new definition to hope long time back.

Trust you been well.

Carpe Diem!

Rajat Patnayak said...

Holy Heavens! Where did you dig out these lines from? Yes, it has been a very long time indeed since these were written.

Thanks a ton for refreshing my memory. I've left a nice snippet for you someplace and I am sure you know where to hunt for it.

Send me some nice 'unes from NC.