Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Indian Air Force : 81st Raising Day

Happy 81st Birthday Indian Air Force!

Nabha Sparsham Deeptam. Touching the Sky with Glory for the past 81 years.

Miss You!


Anonymous said...

The grass is always greener on the other side. Don't miss it...

The 'Celestial' body

Rajat Patnayak said...

Hello Celestial!

That's a nice moniker you have chosen Srilekha.

Regarding the concept of the grass and greenery, it seems you have fallen into the trap of using a cliche to drive home your point. Unfortunately, it is not relevant in this case.

I miss the 'Blue Glory' while you are still having a dificult time adjusting to it. Life choices must be made keeping everything in perspective. I made my choice, and the right choice at that, about the 'Blue Glory' a long time ago. The question is, did you take right decision?

~ Zephyr